La première Wu Qingyuan Cup


wu qingyuan cup 2018

The Go Master ( – Wu Quinyuan 

Go Seigen Cup: The first Wu Qingyuan (Go Seigen) Cup World Women’s Championship is a new tournament for woman players founded by Fuzhou City in Fujian Province in honor of its most famous son, at least in the go world. The rounds up to the final were held from April 26 to May 1. Twenty-eight players took part; of these eight were from Europe and American and they played a preliminary round, with the top four entering the main tournament. This was an irregular knock-out with five rounds, but with eight players seeded into the second round. The finalists are two Korean players, Kim Chaeyoung 3P and Choi Jeong 9P. The final will be held in July. Four Japanese players took part. Two reached the quarterfinals, but were eliminated there. However, Ueno Asami 2P will probably remember fondly her win against Rui Naiwei 9P.


Cérémonie d’ouverture en grande pompe

Photos + analyses


Premier tour

  • Chine : Rui Naiwei(9d), Zhang Xiang(8d), Yu Zhiying(6d), Li He(5d), Wang Chenxing(5d), Gao Xing(4d), Lu Minquan(4d), Yin Qu(2d)
  • Corée : Choi Jung(9d), O Yujin(5d), O Junga(3d), Kim Jaeyoung(3d)
  • Japon : Xie Yimin(6d), Fujisawa Rina(4d), Ueno Asami(2d), Nyu Eiko(2d)
  • Taïwan : Hei Jiajia(7d), Yang Zixuan(2d)
  • Amérique du nord : Feng Yun(9d), Ying Mingming(1d), Yu Jin(ama)
  • Guo Juan(5d), Manja Marz(ama), Rita Pocsai(ama)



Accusations de triche ? (

Bizare, car il est fait mention de Ke Jie